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Seize The Day

Seize The Day


Seize the day with this immunity boosting gift box!


A tea each for different times of the day, this series is made with the best of ayurvedic ingredients. With botanics like gilloy, turmeric, pineapple, chamomile, brahmi, dandellion, these teas are perfect gift during this pandemic. This gift box contains four type of flavored tea can.


  • Morning Energize - Green tea, Turmeric, Gilloy, Tulsi, Pepper, Cinnamon,Ginger, Rose petals
  • Afterrnoon Boost - Green tea, peppermint, fennel, nettle leaf, dandellion, rose
  • Evening Cleanse - Green tea, Brahmi, Shatavri, Cinnamon, Blue cornflower, Hibiscus, Citric Acid
  • Nightime Unwind - Chamomile, peach, pineapple, liquorice lempngrass


100% biodegradable packing

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